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When you are hungry, all you want is food. Soon after you eat, you are no longer hungry. If more food turns up, should you eat it out of deference to the great sense of need you were in such a short while ago? We all require different things at different times. Our desires are not, somehow, irrelevant just because they are subject to change. There is now (or soon will be), a feast where there once was a famine. You must forget whatever you once felt so strongly - and prioritise the issues that apply to the situation you actually face.



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When you were a child, did adults ask you what you would like to be when you grew up? How much thought did you ever put into that answer? Or did you just say the first thing that came into your head? Even if you did have a plan, and even if that plan influenced the choices that you went on to make, your ideas and expectations evolved over time. You are still evolving. You can't let your choices, today, be too heavily influenced by the needs you were feeling or the desires you were entertaining, just a short while ago.



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How can you be in two places at once? Physically, you can't. Mentally, though, it's a very different story. There's not a human being on this planet who doesn't regularly perform this apparently impossible task in their imagination. This brings us neatly on to today's most pressing question. Where are you at the moment? If you can't send your body where your mind wants to be, bring your mind back home. By giving the here and now your full attention, you'll make some much-needed progress under this Full Moon.



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When movies are released on DVD, they often come with an additional feature. A track that lets you watch the film whilst listening to the director's commentary. Even if you have seen the film many times before, this enables you to view the production from a very different perspective. Changing celestial circumstances are now allowing you to access fresh information about a part of your past that you thought you fully understood. This discovery, in turn, is about to open your eyes to an exciting possibility for the future.



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Generally, when we lose interest in a subject or a situation, it is not because we have learned all there is to learn about it. It is because we cannot see what else there is to be learned. That's a subtle but crucial distinction. If we have real enthusiasm for something - or someone - we will plough past that point of inertia and then begin to make a whole series of fresh discoveries. As powerful forces align in the sky this week, life is inviting you to think again about whether you really want to make an ending or a beginning



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You don't have a magic wand. Or do you? Look in all the places where, if you had such an item, you might keep it. If it is not in your cupboard, your pocket or your drawer, perhaps the last thing you did with this device was cast a spell of forgetfulness, so that you would not inadvertently reveal its existence to anyone else. Maybe it has worked so well that you now feel convinced that you have never owned such a thing. You doubt this? Then just try acting as if you have such a power, you will be amazed by what you achieve. 



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How hard must you work? How many sacrifices must you make? If you don't feel inspired to give effort and energy to a challenging project, you are not likely to get a good result. You've got to have a passion, a commitment and a belief. If you've got all that you won't find your task a chore. It will turn into a delightful undertaking that fulfils you, regardless of who appreciates what you are doing or how much measurable success it generates. Put your heart and soul into a plan that currently, only your mind is interested in. 



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Life is short. It is not, though, so short as to justify the abandonment of long-term plans. We really all ought to do much more fortune-telling. By this, I don't mean we should try to look at tomorrow or the day after. We all consider that. Some processes, though, take ages. It's perfectly possible to get a good idea of how they will turn out, but as it requires us to think further ahead than we feel inclined to see, we rarely bother. This week you'll see the result of a wise move you made many moons ago. Let this inspire you and, no matter what emotions you feel right now, think bright thoughts about the next phase of your journey.



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Even the world's greatest psychics are not psychic all day, every day. They have moments when their intuition is overwhelmingly accurate, followed by moments when they are just blundering in the dark. The same goes for artists, poets, even scientists. We cannot all be at the very top of our game every moment of the day. You have had moments of great vision in your past - but you have learned to doubt these, for you cannot always be sure that your insights are reliable. That, though, is no reason to mistrust them today.



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You don't need to know what you are doing in order to do something worth doing. Often, indeed, our greatest achievements arise from decisions that have been made far more on the basis of faith than strategy. We get a feeling. It comes over us strongly. Somehow, we recognise that it is right. We may not be able to justify our actions, but we do them anyway. Later, we discover how truly inspired we have been. Trust your intuition today. Logical explanations are not as important (or even as truly logical) as they seem. 



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Sometimes, when we just sit in our armchair and contemplate our options, we conjure up a most misleading image of the outside world. We either assume that everything will be easy, or we envisage unrealistically big difficulties. All adventures inevitably involve a degree of risk. Until or unless we set out on them, though, we never really know what's possible. It's time to rise to a challenge and to venture beyond your comfort zone. That's the only way you're going to make yourself more comfortable in the long run!



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Think about what you would really like to achieve. Define, in your mind's eye, an ideal change. What would constitute a true triumph? Now, hold that thought in your mind and let's look ahead to the week. Is it really possible for you to do as much as we have just envisaged? Well, let's put it this way. If there's determination, effort and concentration, you can now take the tiniest spark of opportunity and fan it into a flame of accomplishment. Even if you can't see one big great chance to take, someone nearby is keen to reach out and help you if you only let it be known that you would accept their assistance.



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You can bring about all the changes you have ever aspired to. No matter what you do, though, you will remain the same person you have always been. You may become a wiser, calmer, smarter version of yourself - but you will still be yourself! That means you will always be dealing with situations that are difficult and demanding... and that these will always be the ones you will find most rewarding. You are in your current situation for a good reason. Now, see the good in it and do what will do the most good for most people. 



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The head and the heart are like the tortoise and hare. The mind moves at the speed of greased lightning. The centre of our spirit hardly moves at all. These two aspects of our character are not obliged to be engaged in a race or a battle with one another. But there are times when it is bound to seem as if this is the case. This is such a time for you. A thousand thoughts are flying as you try to analyse your options and steer towards the right destination. One, strong, simple urge, though, already knows where it is going.



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Governments are all talking about the need to reduce expenditure and cut services. They are conscious of their debts and difficulties. Yet they continue to spend a fortune on defence. 'We must have armies,' they insist, 'and those forces must be well equipped, else what would we do if someone attacks us?' Just imagine how many problems they could solve if they were more trusting and less paranoid. Whether or not our leaders really have this option, we do. Look, this weekend, for a way in which self-protection is harming you!
