Who would you like to be in 2010? The person you have always been, up until now? Or the person you always hoped that one day, you could become? Not that there's anything wrong with you as you currently are. Indeed, if there's something about yourself, or your lifestyle, that you are unhappy with, you must find some way to forgive it. It doesn't need explaining or excusing. It just needs to be realistically recognised and addressed. Denial won't be helpful. Nor will you benefit from concluding that it's too late for anything to alter. Normally, your 'ruler', Jupiter, spends about a year in each sign. In January though, it moves into apart of the sky that, to you, speaks of 'belonging'. The emphasis is on home, family and the deepening of old relationships. By June, Jupiter has rushed through to yet another part of the Zodiac. The focus shifts to adventure, excitement, romance and the exploration of shining dreams. In September, Jupiter returns to that 'domestic sector', allowing you to constructively resolve issues that have been a source of discomfort for years. As you grow calmer and more confident, you'll soon see it's not really your life that's going to change for the better this year. It's you.