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ケイナー射手座 3月分

We all hate to find ourselves in situations we had been hoping to avoid. Even if we can cope relatively well with these scenarios, they remind us of our inability to control the universe. This is one reason why most people steer well clear of risk. If you only ever do what you know how to do, you can much more easily maintain an illusion of power and personal strength. It is, though, only ever an illusion. There is a real blessing in your current difficulty. It is waking you up to a weakness that you sorely need to compensate for. Be glad of this for, as a direct result of all you are going through, you will soon make a major breakthrough.



ケイナー射手座 2/26

The Sun's conjunction to Jupiter, speaks of celebration this weekend. This may not be a guarantee of immediate happiness. In the fullness of time, we may find that the events for which we want to give the greatest thanks are the ones we found most difficult to deal with while they were unfolding. If you are not so sure that you like what is happening, it is all the more reason to be optimistic. And if you are pleased enough, look no further. Sometimes, some things, just naturally turn out well.



ところで、中国は日本省を「熱烈歓迎」かもしれませんが、米国はジャパン州など「no thanks」といったところでしょう。米国が3億人、日本が1億人ですから、ジャパン州が誕生して大統領選挙が行われたら大変です。一人一票の民主主義国家ですから、たちまち人口の四分の一を占める日系人が一大勢力になってしまいます。そもそも太平洋戦争のとき無条件降伏したにもかかわらず、米国が日本をジャパン州にしなかったのは、その方が実は米国に有利だったのでしょう。ジャパン州にしてしまえば、国連総会で米国の票数は1票。傀儡国家を作れば2票が得られます。確か米国のライバルであるかつてのソ連も複数国家という名目で2票持っていたはず。


ケイナー射手座 2/25

One person is locked in a cell. They cannot go anywhere or do anything. This person, though, has great imagination and an open mind. They are willing to learn and prepared to believe that anything is possible in the fullness of time. Another person can, within reason, do what they want, when they want. Their movements are not restricted nor are their resources too tightly limited. This person is full of opinion and prejudice. They only believe in what they can actually see. Which one is the prisoner?



ケイナー射手座 2/22

'Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.' When we read remarks like this, our eyes glaze over. We've heard it all before. Well, of course we have. The comment above is 2,500 years old! Nor was Buddha the first to make it. As you now prepare to mark the passage of time, make it the basis of your aspiration - and your resolution. In the coming few weeks you really can have whatever you most want. That's why it's so crucial to remember what's most important.



ケイナー射手座 2/21

The planets do not portend a problem. The fates are not conspiring against you. Nor are teams of sinister powerful people, plotting your downfall in some secret location. Indeed, the only person with the ability to really wreck your agenda now is you! You can let a small fear or suspicion turn into a big, unnecessary anxiety. You can overreact to an obstacle or difficulty. You can try to make time stand still. But you're not going to do that, are you? Change, in your love life and, indeed, in every area of your life, is change you can benefit from. Trust, explore, embrace it. Walk forward with faith this week and the right pathway will automatically rise up and present itself under your feet.



ケイナー射手座 2/19

There is always something else that you could be doing. No matter how carefully you make your choices, you will wonder whether you should have picked some other alternative. If, though, you spend your weekend wishing you were somewhere else or feeling bad about the priorities you have identified, you really will be wasting your time. You are doing what you are doing. You are doing this for a good reason. And if there is something you are not doing? Then you are not doing it because it doesn't need to be done! ...want to know what's really going on?



ケイナー射手座 2/18

We plot, we plan, we consider and conspire. We come up with many ways to change the world around us and to influence the thoughts of others. Whether or not we are successful, we gain far greater gratification when we act spontaneously, with sincerity. There is always a risk that, in making a move without carefully thinking it through, we may end up with unexpected consequences. But then, we can get those just as easily no matter how much time we spend trying to avoid them. Let the spur of the moment inspire you today.



ケイナー射手座 2/17

You make an emotional investment in all you do. You care. Because you care, you push yourself. Because you push yourself, you get results. There are, though, times when it is wise to stand back; to care a little less and be a little more neutral. Before you set out to influence the outcome of a process, you need to know who is already trying to influence it... and how committed they are to their plan. You can be exceptionally successful over the next few days. But only if you are objective enough to see where effort is best made.



ケイナー射手座 2/16

Great philosophers spend a lot of time thinking about 'time'. That doesn't mean, though, that they understand how it works. Indeed, to some extent, it puts them at a disadvantage. They ponder so long and hard that they 'lose all track of time' and then turn up late to important meetings! Recent events have caused you to wonder whether your life is moving backwards or forwards. One process seems to be taking too long. Another is happening too quickly for your liking. Apply no further thought. Just let things happen. And don't worry.



ケイナー射手座 2/14

This is a time of change, and change opens the way for progress. You have an option that most people don't have right now, which is to alter the path of your life in a way that opens new possibilities without undermining the ones you have available now. There are, at the moment, few potential outcomes that don't add up to an improvement for you - so you can afford to embrace the greatest changes with a sense of optimism and potential. How, exactly, it all works out won't be apparent for a few days or more, and there does seem to be a missing piece of the puzzle. But it's coming by special delivery later this week.



ケイナー射手座 2/9

You are in familiar territory now. If it seems strange or alien, it is simply because the seasons have changed since you last passed this way. A meadow looks dramatically different in summer to the way that it did in winter. Visit a high street after an interval of years and you may hardly recognise the businesses that line the road. Once you stop spotting the differences, though, you will see the similarities. Then, old memories will come flooding back and you will know exactly where to find all that you are currently looking for.



ケイナー射手座 1/8

The question is not, 'What does your future hold?' It is not even, 'What would you like it to hold?' It is, 'What do you believe it could possibly hold?' None of us likes to feel disappointed, so we set ourselves modest targets. We reach only for things that we think we stand a slight chance of getting. Sometimes, in that process of self-limitation, we vastly underestimate our own potential. Entertain your imagination now, and it will do far more than just entertain you in return. It will show you something most inspiring.



ケイナー射手座 2/5

Nearly 90 years ago, George Mallory climbed the highest mountain in the world. When asked by a reporter why he would want to climb Mount Everest, Mallory allegedly replied, 'Because it's there.' Some experts now think that he didn't really say it and the reporter made up the quote to add colour to the story. Even if so, it's a good line. Why do any of us do anything? Because we can! Or because we think we can. You don't need a great reason to do what you want to do this weekend. You just need a good reason.



ケイナー射手座 2/4

You were born under the sign of the Archer. This explains why you often tend to see the world around you as a series of targets. It all happens automatically in your subconscious mind. You encounter a situation and, within moments, you can see exactly what to aim for. Sometimes, you get so excited by the idea of an attainable goal that you don't stop to think about whether there is any real merit in being successful. You just think, 'I can hit that if I try.' So you try. And you hit it. Think carefully before you take aim today.



ケイナー射手座 2/2

What are you good at? You are good at being yourself. Indeed, you are not just good at this; you are brilliant at it. No other person comes close. Everybody else is just a second-rate impersonator. Er... now we must ask another question. What are you bad at? You are bad at trying to be someone other than who you are. Indeed, you are not just bad at it... you are terrible! I make this point for an important reason. If you're truly true to yourself today, you will make the right choice and it will lead to the right result.
