
ケイナー射手座 6/25



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ケイナー天秤座 6/22


ケイナー牡牛座 6/22


ケイナー牡羊座 6/22


ケイナー乙女座 6/22


ケイナー射手座 6/22



ケイナー射手座 6/20

Be flexible, adaptable, approachable and co-operative. Pursue this policy even when you feel more inclined to be rigid, argumentative or assertive. Express mild disapproval to a suggestion if you must, but don't put your energy into a battle that does not yet need to be formed. No matter what's being said or what seems to be happening, much will change over the next few days. The Solstice Comet speaks of a reason to be calm and confident. Even if you make apparent 'mistakes' they may work out surprisingly well. You may yet find that naturally shifting circumstances bring you what no amount of conflict could ever attain.



ケイナー射手座 6/17

Some people like difficult situations. They enjoy the sense of challenge. They feel somehow, that life is exciting when it is stressful. If things look as if they are likely to quieten down, they stir up a little more action. Are you a little like this? Or is all the upheaval and chaos in your world the result of someone else's choices and actions? It may be time to look at what power you have over a set of circumstances that seem to be oppressive. Whether or not you helped create them, you can now do something significant to lighten the load. 



ケイナー射手座 6/16

Why, if we live in a world of unanswered questions are there so many people who claim to know all the answers? Actually, it's precisely because humans are so vulnerable that they act so tough. We feel better when we think that we understand what's going on. But we do ourselves no favours when our 'understanding' involves the acceptance of an unnecessary limitation. While the comet is passing through your opposite sign, you have more support than you realise. Just be humble enough to ask for the help you need. 



ケイナー射手座 6/14

It takes two to tango. The dance you are now engaged in may be rather less exotic than that Latin American tradition but it nonetheless requires more than one participant. You are entitled to sit it out if you wish. You're not obliged to react to every challenge that arises, nor must you seize every opportunity you encounter. Where events, circumstances or other people are dictating the pace of life this week, you have the option to respond at your own speed, or not at all, without putting yourself in a position of weakness.



ケイナー射手座 6/10

Around the world, there are magazines full of photos of the famous. We can read about where they live, who they live with, what they spend their money on and, if we look through the more salacious publications, the problems they face and the heartache they feel. What business of ours is any of this? We don't care. We are just nosey. Who is watching your life now? In whose eyes are you something of a celebrity? Don't play to the crowd. And don't listen to what others have to say about you. Uphold your own integrity now. 



ケイナー射手座 6/9

Really, I ought to be asking you what the future holds! You are now being treated to a very clear vision. You are being granted an amazing insight. No matter how accurate this is, though, it is limited. You can't see everything. You are gaining a narrow view of a broad situation. You are seeing only the tip of an iceberg. Be careful, therefore, not to make too many plans on the basis of your current understanding. It is only part of a much bigger, brighter, picture. That's not a reason to be cautious or anxious. It's a reason to be inspired.



ケイナー射手座 6/7

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus suggests a strong need to assert yourself. Though you are not normally backwards in coming forwards, there is one area of your life in which you are now being surprisingly restrained or reserved. You are allowing someone else to call the shots, make the decisions or set the agendas. Without entirely disempowering this other individual (for a host of reasons, that can't be allowed to occur), you must do something to redress an imbalance. Here comes your opportunity to take care of that.



ケイナー射手座 6月

They say that if a wall is falling apart, we shouldn't try to paper over the cracks. If, though, we are only intending to live with that wall for a short while, it makes no sense to start knocking it down and rebuilding it. Perhaps those cracks are just the result of old plaster crumbling and not serious subsidence. Or, then again, perhaps not. In June, as Jupiter moves into a new sector of the sky and forms a conjunction with Uranus, you see how to knock down and rebuild an arrangement where many cosmetic repairs have been attempted without success. That requires courage and vision. But it's going to work out very well. 


ケイナー射手座 6/6

You can do a lot when you try. Sometimes, though, you can do even more when you don't try. You are currently contemplating an enormous effort. You are steeling yourself for a test of strength. It may not be necessary, though, to strive so hard. You have already covered more ground than you realise. Unwittingly, whilst imagining that you were pursuing a different goal entirely, you have laid the foundations to the very structure you now wish to create. Stop looking for problems and look instead for solutions. If you believe in yourself and reach for the best and if you're sensitive to your loved ones, you'll have a fine week. 



ケイナー射手座 6/4

Why can't everything be the way that it used to be? That's the wrong question to ask. Your memory is playing tricks on you. Your recollection of the past is selective and deceptive. You are becoming nostalgic for a situation that you were once very eager to move on from. Your new circumstances may take some getting used to. You may suspect that they, too, are less than ideal. Stop fearing the worst, start expecting the best. Once a little more time has past, you will become much happier about all that seems so unfamiliar. 



ケイナー射手座 6/2

Why assume, if things are quiet, that you must be experiencing a calm before a storm? And why suppose, if things are crazy, that you will be caught up in chaos forever? Why be pessimistic when you could be optimistic? Why be nervous, when you could be confident? What are you listening to? What doubtful negative is whispering in your ear? Why on earth should you pay it any attention? Your most hopeful vision, now, reflects an accurate understanding of the situation you face. The changes that are coming up next will be good for you. A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is coming soon! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity. Order your Guide to Future now and prepare to change your life.



ケイナー射手座 6/1

You're blessed to be born under one of the most optimistic, forward- thinking signs of the zodiac, which is an immense help when life is complicated. You've got a talent for rising above chaos and confusion, even if you don't find it easy. If something is puzzling you now, it's because you're looking at a picture that's dimly lit. Soon enough, the light of understanding will shine on the situation that makes you feel so baffled or bewildered. Then you'll be able to see exactly where you are, and you'll know what you need to do.
