
ケイナー射手座 5/28

Yesterday, we took a time machine back to the past. Today, let's send it into the future. Not the future of the country... but into your, personal, emotional future. Let's go meet the person you are one day going to be. Let's find out how relaxed, how secure, how calm, how wise and how fulfilled you're feeling some while from now. Ready? OK. Turn the dial. Pull the lever. Here we go. Hey! Look how happy you are! As we return to the present, try not to forget that. As what awaits you is so wonderful, what's happening now can't be so bad!



ケイナー射手座  5/27

To celebrate the full moon in your sign, let's create a psychological time machine. You can drive it; I'll sit in the passenger seat. Turn the dial back a decade or two. Let's go and do the thing that time travellers are never supposed to do. Go and find yourself, as you were in the past, and tell yourself what you have to look forward to. You know what? Your old self is never going to believe what your new self has to say. You are going through a process of profound, positive, change right now. You may not understand it, but you should trust it.




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ケイナー射手座 5/23

All around the world, each and every day, footballers race across pitches, trying to beat each other to the ball. At least, though, their goalposts stay in the same place all through the match. And nobody rewrites the rules during the half-time break. But you're now dealing with arrangements that keep changing. You feel as if you're playing a game you just can't win because nothing about it is straightforward. Nothing, that is, apart from the restrictions you keep running into. One thing, though, will melt away all troubles this week. The warmth of your kindness. Be good to people - even if you feel bad - and all will work out well.



ケイナー射手座 5/21

The faster you run, the quicker you will win your race. There. That makes sense, doesn't it? Not necessarily. It depends on which direction you are running in. There is a risk, this weekend, that you could end up expending a lot of time and energy fighting a battle that does not need to be fought or trying to solve a problem that is most likely to solve itself, if a sensitive situation is left alone for a while. Be suspicious of your own sense of urgency. Whenever you feel it, that is probably a good reason to slow down rather than speed up. 



ケイナー射手座 5/19

There are times of plenty and times of famine. There are times of rain and times of drought. Most things ebb and flow in our lives. Sources of irritation, though, strangely seem to be continual. Never a day goes by without something or someone rubbing us up the wrong way! The good news? Our response to this can be permanent, too. If you can find the ability now to rise above a worry or a nuisance, you need not fear that your susceptibility will return. In freeing yourself from fear today, you will be opening yourself up to opportunity.



ケイナー射手座 5/18

What could you achieve if you only had more resources? How much could you improve? You are now keenly conscious of a shortage, a restriction or limitation. You would ideally like to have a lot more of something - but you are resigned to the notion that this may never be possible. Don't be too defeatist. Things have a way or changing then changing again in this strange world of ours. You may not find endless wealth, time, energy or power this week - but you can yet attain a new ability to make honest effort pay big dividends.



ケイナー射手座 5/17

There are several things you wish you could be doing now. For one reason or another, none of them is possible. There are several other things that you would far prefer not to be doing. It seems, though, that you currently have no alternative. I'm not trying to suggest that you should accept something that is unacceptable. If, though, you can bring yourself to be realistic about the options and choices that are available to you, you will yet start to feel very differently about some of the factors you resent. Don't compromise an important aspiration. Do, though, look at another way to get your desired result. 



ケイナー射手座 5/16

When will you feel safe? Once you have climbed your mountain? Once you have run your marathon? Once you have worked your fingers to the bone? Once you have worried yourself into a state of exhaustion? You may be experiencing a sense of restlessness - but if you are following a constructive plan and are sure your energy is being well expended, carry on. But don't assume that progress can only be attained with enormous effort or as part of a process of painful compromise. As long as you're doing the right thing for the right reason, you will find you are listened to, respected and given much of what you need. 



ケイナー射手座 5/13

When is a mistake not a mistake? When you discover that you were mistaken to think that you might have been mistaken! All things in life happen for a reason and, even if we can't be sure what that reason is, we can safely trust that it is a good reason. We are always far better off looking for the hidden blessing in a problematic situation than in attributing blame or indulging a mood of anxiety. It is soon after the point when we fear that we cannot go any further that we realise how much further we are capable of going.



ケイナー射手座 5/12

If it's all starting to go upside down, try standing on your head. If it's going crazy, redefine your notion of sanity. If it's lacking rhyme or reason, consider it experimental poetry. One way or another, you have got to adapt. You have got to learn to like (and work with) a situation that you might far prefer to change. The trouble is, you are under pressure. You have got to be more realistic. You have also got to trust that what can't be changed, doesn't need to be changed - and that what's out of control, doesn't need to be controlled.



ケイナー天秤座 5/11

It's not a perfect world. We are not perfect people. Or then again, perhaps it is... and we are! Perhaps those imperfections are, in their own way, perfect! You are conscious of your own fallibility now - and nervous, lest an idea turns out to be flawed. Don't be overly apprehensive. It may take you a while to rediscover a confidence that you have somehow misplaced but you've got nothing to apologise for and nothing to worry about either. Give your attention to what's good today and you'll yet manage to make it better.


ケイナー射手座 5/11

Hold on to your faith. There is chaos and craziness all around you now, and there's not much you can do to stop this from happening. You can, though, stop yourself from worrying about it. You really don't have to be concerned. You are not the only person who is now experiencing upheaval and uncertainty. Others are going through a similar experience and, in the process, they are being led away from entrenched positions. This will soon make it much easier for you to achieve something that currently seems impossible.



ケイナー射手座 5/10

Don't feel afraid or intimidated. Don't feel anxious or apprehensive. Something very right and very wonderful is taking place. Your situation may seem crazy or chaotic but it contains a lot of magic and a lot of hope. If you find that hard to believe, it may be because you resent an apparent lack of power. You want more choice, more influence, more ability to call the shots. All this may well come your way in time. For now, just trust that the challenging situations you keep encountering are all due to have comforting outcomes.



ケイナー射手座 5/9

They say you should always quit while you are ahead. What, though, if you suspect that you could get yet further ahead? Sometimes, when we push our luck, we regret it. But sometimes, luck stands before us with an encouraging expression on its face whispering, 'Go on, push me again'. Though there is a limit to your luck, you may not have reached it. Don't gamble wildly but if you think you can see a genuine, viable opportunity that might respond well to a little intelligent effort, give it a try. Especially in the realm of emotions and relationships, wherever you reach for deeper connections, fortune will favour you.


ケイナー射手座 5/7

The most dangerous people in this world are often the ones who think of themselves as the most helpless and powerless. They believe that they have nothing to lose, so they are generally more willing to take desperate measures. It may take them quite some while before they see that they have more ability to do damage than they realise. You feel, this weekend, a little as if you have been backed into a corner. Before you try to fight your way out of it, by any means at your disposal, try an easier, more gentle option.



ケイナー射手座 5/6

If you ruled the world, what would you do? What orders might you give? What changes might you create? You, of course, would be a benign dictator. You would not take advantage of your power to get revenge from people who had treated you poorly in the past, would you? I am not, sadly, predicting any such sudden rise in status for you, today. But then, you already have more authority and influence than you realise. Try to recognise this advantage now. Be gentle and considerate in the way that you wield your strength.



ケイナー射手座 5/5

Not all of your ideas are brilliant. Not all of your plans succeed. Every so often, though, you hit the jackpot. You come up with a great solution or you see a truly inspired way to proceed. Your current course of action is a good one. Don't start doubting it just because it has so far failed to produce the desired result. A long-cherished dream is about to become a very pleasing reality. The wisest, most inspired choices you make over the next few days, will yet turn out to have positive ramifications for the rest of your life.



ケイナー射手座 5/4

Some things look difficult until you know the secret. Then they become easy. We all understand the principle of a 'learning curve', but it's not much comfort to us when we are right at the steepest part of the process. You keep going through difficult situations. You are wrestling with variations on a similar theme, time and time again. That's because there's something you haven't yet got the hang of. There's a chance though, to make a big breakthrough and vastly increase your level of understanding - any moment now.



ケイナー射手座 5/3

It's time to start playing a new game. You have had enough of a drama or difficulty. You have been round in the same old circle too often. When, this week, you get a chance to shake things up, you should consider yourself fully entitled to take it. If it involves putting yourself out on a limb or accepting a challenge that you don't yet know how to rise to, so much the better. Everything will start to seem a lot sweeter once you have pushed yourself a little and reached for some inner resource you're not even sure you possess.



ケイナー射手座 5月(5/1)

One moment we are on top of the world, the next, the whole world seems to be on top of us. One moment we can see clearly, the next we are shrouded in fog. That's the human condition! We all, it seems, suddenly swing from hunky-dory to topsy-turvy and we do not always understand why. You may now feel that you have much to be upset or concerned about. You have, though, coped with more in the past and you have handled it brilliantly. You really don't have to let your current problem get to you. Seek a way, in May, to stay stable or at least, to remain relaxed while you ride the roller-coaster of emotion. It's not as hard as you fear.
